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Afxentiou Hideout

Grigoris Afxentiou Hideout in Kapedes Village Cyprus


About Hideout
Grigoris Auxentiou was born in the community of Lysi between Nicosia and Famagusta on February 22, 1928. On January 20, 1955, Auxentiou met for the first time with Griva, the leader of the EOKA. (National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters), to whom he gave the speech of his Military Honour rather than the established E.O.K.A. oath. He then joined the struggle against the British. After being betrayed, the British were informed of his concealment place near Machaira on March 3, 1957. They surrounded the refuge with vehicles and helicopters, doused it with petrol and set it on fire. His charred body was interred on March 4 at the Central Prisons of Nicosia, in what is now known as “The Imprisoned Memorials”

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